St. Stephen Altar Boy Guild

Any boy aged 9 to 17 who wants to learn to serve is welcome to join. Training meetings are usually the 2nd Saturday of the month in the sacristy after the 9AM Mass. Anyone over 18 who wants to learn to serve should email Fr. Gismondi.

Stella Maris Maidens

Guided by Mary, whose example always leads us to Christ, the primary goal of the Stella Maris Maidens is to express their love for Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament. Starting in September, young ladies ages 7 through 18 are invited to join us the third Saturday of the month for Eucharistic Adoration at 8am, Mass at 9am, followed by breakfast, a spiritual discussion, and an activity. For more information, please contact Missy Borreson at

Confraternity of Christian Mothers

Under the special patronage of Mary, the Mother of Sorrows, Christian Mothers are encouraged to joyously under-take the important task of training and sanctifying the young souls entrusted to their care. They are instructed with ways to edify one another by word and deed, to support one another by fervent prayer and in this way become the mainstay of the spiritual life within their own families, and a fruitful source of blessing to the communities in which they live. This group is open to all ladies of the parish over 21 years of age. Members can be married or single, and need not have children. If you have any questions, please contact Erin Sims at

On the second Monday of each month, the night will begin at 7pm with a Holy Hour in the main church, and will follow with a social and a talk by Fr. Gismondi in the church hall.

Juventutem Young Adults

Juventutem is an international federation of young people who seek to grow in holiness through the timeless traditions of the Church. For more information, please email For our next event, click to see the parish Upcoming Events page.

Adult Conversion & Catechism Class

This class will work through the Catechism and is for adults ages 16 and up who are looking to convert or who have never received Confirmation. This class is also open to anyone wanting to review the Catechism.

holy name society

It is the prayerful intent of the Holy Name Society to humbly follow in the footsteps of St. Dominic, Saint Bernardine of Siena and Blessed John of Vercelli to once again propagate a very special devotion to the most Holy Name of Jesus and to convince all to embrace this heavenly name and all it signifies. At St Mary’s the Holy Name Society will be primarily for the spiritual formation and development of the men of the quasi-parish by the monthly Men’s Night, as well as events such as adoration, devotions, special penances, etc. As well as a secondary element of service for the parish, such as, helping or organizing parish events, parish clean-up day, etc. Please contact Dan McCormick at if interested.

troops of st. george

The Troops of Saint George apostolate aims to use the outdoors as our canvas and the sacraments as our path to light the way for the formation of Holy Catholic men and boys. Whether called to the vocation of the priesthood, the religious life, or that of Holy fatherhood, our fathers and sons will take a prayerful pilgrimage together to fulfill Christ's desire for them to grow in virtue and in their Holy Catholic faith as they journey toward heaven. TSG is a group for boys ages 6 to 18 and their fathers to experience faith, fun and nature. Similar to boy scouts, TSG combines activites like hiking, camping, archery, and much more with our catholic faith. For more information contact Jonathan Borreson at

Sacred Music Program

Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings, with occasional men's schola rehearsals on Fridays. The choir commitment is open to all singers regardless of previous singing experience, but we are especially in need of tenors. The parish choir is a necessary and integral part of the Holy Mass at St. Mary, and this role is to be considered with discernment and commitment. Rehearsals are mandatory except for outstanding circumstances, approved by the Director. If you are interested in joining the choir, or if you have questions, please do not hesitate to talk with Lisa Knutson:

Children Choristers Program

St. Mary Church is happy to announce the formation of Children's Choristers Program.  This choir is an integral part of the music program at St. Mary and will be open to students who are committed to musical and spiritual excellence, ages 7-17. 

The Children's Choir will sing regularly. Attendance at weekly Wednesday afternoon rehearsals will be required.  A complete schedule for the academic year, including breaks, will be provided prior to commitment.  The Choristers will begin after Labor Day and continue through the feast of the Ascension.  

Rehearsals will incorporate note-reading and general music and vocal principles and technique in the choir-school tradition.  These rehearsals will be Wednesdays after school, and specific times will be decided after consulting with parents. For more information please contact Lisa Knutson at

NEW! Sursum Corda High School Advanced Schola

This group is a mixed (boys and girls) group of auditioned high school students who rehearse biweekly on Wednesdays from 4:30-6:00pm and sing for four Masses throughout the year on their own. Girls in this group are required to participate also in Choristers; boys with changed voices are not a part of Choristers. Repertoire will be SAB or SSAT Renaissance polyphony and chant. Pitch-matching and note reading is required, but no previous choral experience is necessary. An aspect of this group will include opportunities for community service each semester (singing for nursing homes, etc.). Email Lisa Knutson with questions.

Religious Education

Weekly religious education classes are held on Sundays from 9:10 - 9:50AM for children from First Holy Communion preparation through Confirmation. Registration is required. Contact Sue Zima for more information at

St. Mary Homeschool Group

Parents and children of all ages are welcome. For more information, please contact Caroline Jennings at

St. mary’s teen group

The teen group is open to all teens of the parish from 13 to 18 years old (high school senior). Following the evening Mass on the third Friday of the month the group will gather at 7:30 PM in the church hall for a pot-luck meatless dinner followed by a talk by Fr. Gismondi and an activity. The evening will wrap up at 9:30 PM. Dishes should be placed in the kitchen before Mass. The stove and ovens will not be available for use. Nobody under the age of 13 is to be at the group or in the basement. Parents are welcome to stay. Contact Marie DiCecco at with any questions.

St. mary toddler group

St. Marys will be starting a toddler group this fall for children ages 0-5. It will meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 10:00 AM in the parish hall and concluding with the 12:05 Mass. Activities to include read-alouds, free play time with toys, outdoor play, arts and crafts, and more. Please bring a snack for your child(ren) and note that this is not a drop off meeting. Parents must be present. Please contact Andrea Amato at